Rodent Pest Control Service
Roof Rats
Color: They are brown with black mixed in, or sometimes gray to black on top with white and a gray or black underside.
Characteristics: Roof rats have soft and smooth fur, a pointed muzzle with large eyes and large, large almost naked ears that can be pulled over the eyes. Tail longer than body and pointed noise.
Size: The head and body length of an adult roof rat is about 6 to 8 inches long and the tail length is 7 to 10 inches in length. They range from about 5 ounces up to 12 ounces.
Potentially Dangerous: Yes
Description: Roof rats are named so because of their ability to climb very well; because they are such good climbers they are often found in the attics and upper levels of homes and other buildings.
Difference Roof Rats And Norway Rats: Roof rats have a thinner, lighter build compared to the Norway rat, also they have a pointed nose, while the Norway rat has a more rounded nose. The roof rat’s tail is longer than their body, the Norway rat has a shorter tail than their body. The roof rat which is commonly referred to as the “black rat” because of their black fur which is darker in color than the brown Norway rat. Norway rats are not great climbers and are found in the basement and bottom levels of home, whereas the Roof rats are found invading higher levels of buildings. Also, roof rats prefer a warmer more humid climate than the Norway rat
Nesting Sites: Outside roof rats tend to nest above the ground in trees, bushes, and in areas of dense vegetation. If they move inside of a home or other building they can be found in attics, above false ceilings, behind walls, and in the tops of cabinets. They are also likely to infest basements, areas under buildings and sewers as well as higher places in structures. If your property provides the essentials such a food, water and shelter, you could develop a rat problem.
Roof rats may cause damage by gnawing through walls, wiring, pipes and other important parts of your structure. They will eat your stored food and contaminate it with their feces. They have the ability to spread disease through their urine and their droppings as well as through their bites and the fleas and mites that may be hiding in their fur.
Roof Rat Prevention
- Fixing or replacing loose or missing roof shingles, placing a tight-fitting cap on any chimneys.
- Make sure that outdoor trashcans have tight-fitting lids, and are placed a distance away from the exterior of your home.
- Keep trees and bushes trimmed back from your home’s exterior.
- Caulk gaps found around windows and doors.
- Make sure that vents have tight-fitting covers on them.
- Food inside of your home should be kept in sealed containers or in the refrigerator.
Norway rats
Color: Norway rats are brown with scattered black hairs and have a gray to yellow-white underside.
Characteristics: The Norway rat is a type of rodent in Texas that has a heavy body with coarse and shaggy fur that is dense with short hairs, a blunt muzzle and small eyes and ears.
Size: The head and body length of an adult Norway rat is about 7 to 9 inches long and the tail length is 6 to 8 inches in length. They range from 7 ounces to 20 ounces in weight.
Potentially Dangerous: Yes
Description: Adult Norway rats are brown in color with some scattered black hairs, they have a grayish-white underbelly; their body is long and heavily built. Adults can grow to between 10-12 inches in length, this includes their tail. The tail on the Norway rat is shorter than their body; both the tail and ears are hairless and covered in scales.
Difference Between Norway Rats And Roof Rats: Norway rats and roof rats can be differentiated by both physical behavioral characteristics. Norway rats are not skilled climbers and therefore will be found inhabiting mostly basement areas and the first floors of buildings. Roof rats can climb very well and will be found in attics and in the upper floors of homes and other buildings. Norway rats have an overall “heavier” build than roof rats. The tail of the roof rat is longer than its body unlike the Norway rat whose tail is shorter than their body; also the roof rat has darker black fur compared to the Norway rats brown fur.
Nesting Sites: In nature Norway rats can be founding living in underground burrows that are close to water sources. Their burrows can be found along building foundations, beneath piles of garbage and woodpiles, around gardens, riverbanks, and in fields. If a Norway rat decides to nest inside of a home or other building they will be found in basement areas, behind walls, or in crawl spaces. They may enter homes and commercial facilities in search of food or shelter.
Norway rats gnaw objects, eat stored food and transmit disease by droppings and urine, bites and the fleas and mites in their fur.
Signs of Infestation
Rats are nocturnal and you generally will not see them in your home unless you have a very large infestation. If rats are in your home you will find large gnaw marks on food, utility lines and pipes, dry wall, furniture, and other objects. You will also see grease stains on walls and other objects as the rats move along them while traveling through your house. You may also hear them moving behind your walls, and you will find their droppings, which will be approximately 18-20cm in size and blunt at both ends.
Norway Rat Prevention
- Eliminate food and water around home
- Take out trash and make sure lids are secured
- Fix leaky outdoor faucets
- Seal cracks and crevices in homes foundation, and around utility entrance.
- Pet food should be removed from original packaging and kept in plastic containers with tight fitting lids.
House Mouse
Color: Typically light brown, but can sometimes be nearly black.
Characteristics: House mice have smooth fur; pointed muzzle, small eyes, large ears with some hair. They are also known to have short, broad feet and dark, scaly semi-naked tails.
Size: A house mouse adult’s head+body length is 2.5-3.5 in; tail length is 2.75-4 in; weight is 0.5-1 ounce.
Potentially Dangerous: Yes
Description: The adult house mouse can grow to be approximately 5 ½ to 7 inches in length including the tail; they have a round body shape. House mice have very large ears and tiny dark eyes, their fur can range in color from brown to grayish-black and they will have a lighter colored underbelly.
Nesting Sites: House mice prefer dark, secluded places with little disturbance and plenty of nesting material, such as paper, fabric, insulation, packing materials and cotton. House mice are one of the most common species of mouse to be found living and nesting inside of a home. House mice do mainly live outside, but venture indoors when looking for food, water and possibly shelter.
Signs of Infestation
Although house mice are fairly small in size they can be quite noisy at night when they are most active. It’s not uncommon to hear them in the ceiling or inside the walls. You may also discover droppings in your kitchen and other areas where there is a food source or where they are nesting.
The house mouse gnaws objects, eats and contaminates stored food and transmits disease by droppings, urine, bites and direct contact, or contact with cats, fleas and mites.