Spiders Pest Control Services
Color: Species dependent
Characteristics: Spiders are predatory species that feed on other insects. Spiders have two body parts, a cephalothorax and an abdomen. Spiders also have eight legs. Most have eight eyes but some have less or even none. Spiders lack chewing mouthparts and use their digestive juices to liquefy their prey before consuming it. Spiders are generally shy and elusive. When they make their way inside of homes, they will hide in dark, secluded areas like closets, basements, attics, corners of rooms, and underneath furniture.
Size: Species dependent
Potentially Dangerous: Yes
Description: Spiders generally enter into homes in order to get out of the very hot, cold, or wet weather. They also enter into homes in order to build webs and hunt for their prey.
Most spiders are not aggressive but many will bite if they feel threatened. Some spider species are poisonous and their venom can cause serious medical issues in people if they are bitten.
Garden Spiders
The garden spider has distinctive yellow and black markings on their abdomen and has a mostly white cephalothorax (head area). Males are 5-9mm and females are much larger at 19-28mm. These spiders build webs in the tall grasses of sunny fields and in the eaves of houses, garages, and sheds.
Wolf Spiders
Wolf spiders are a hairy spider that range in size from .04-1.38 inches in length. They are a solitary species that have excellent eyesight. Most wolf spiders create burrows that they hide in to wait for their prey that they will then pounce on and even chase for short distances. A wolf spider bite, while painful, does not pose a serious risk to humans.
House Spiders
As their name suggests, house spiders are the most common species of spider to be found in homes. House spiders are generally a yellow or tan color with dark spots on its body; they have long slender legs. House spiders pose no significant health risk to humans and are considered to be nuisance pests.
Black Widow Spiders
This is a poisonous spider; they are glossy black in color with a reddish orange hour-glass shape on their belly. The venom from this spider will affect a person’s nervous system and immediate medical attention should be sought if bitten.
Brown Recluse Spiders
This is a poisonous spider. They are tan to dark brown in color with a distinctive dark violin shape found behind their head. A bite from a brown recluse could cause an ulcer to form at the site of the bite and can lead to more serious necrosis of the tissue; medical attention should be sought if you are bitten.